DIY zig zag coat rack

DIY zig zag coat rack

super into this project! i really wanted to put a coat rack near the door in the nursery for carriers and stuff, and something that looked special too. i’ve seen a few variations of zig zag shelves lately and was loving them, so stoked on how this turned out!

it also may look challenging or hard, but it was really just tedious and a little time consuming more than anything else!


  • square wood dowel – 3/4″ thickness (enough for 5 or more 6″ sections)
  • round wood dowel – 1/2″ diameter
  • miter box & saw
  • 90 degree clamp
  • drill bit 1/2″ (to match the round dowel)
  • wood glue


  1. decide the length that you want your rack sections. ours were 6″ each, and we made 7 of them including the ends. make sure the math for the total wood you have allows you an extra piece or two, in case of mistakes or color differences in the pieces.
  2. cut your first section off at 45 degrees, leaving the factory-end untouched and flat. you can use this first piece as a template for measuring the rest.
  3. continue cutting pieces at a 45 degree angle (you want the two ends of these middle pieces to be parallel).
  4. cut your end piece at 90 degrees (with a flat edge) to match your first piece of wood. now you have the two ends.
  5. cut your round dowels to the desired length PLUS 1/4″ or so. sand and finish all your wood. be careful not to over-sand or affect the angle of your cuts. just get rid of the splinters.
  6. heres where the 90-degree clamp makes it super easy, but you can get it done with some tenderness and painters tape if you have to. glue your edges together one at a time, taping it afterwards and allowing it to set for at least 30 min before gluing the next section.
  7. once your zig zag is complete, allow to dry overnight. then drill holes at the center of your joints on one side (the zig zag is made of mountains and valleys, just drill the valleys). only go halfway through your wood!
  8. glue your round dowel pieces into their matching holes. set somewhere safe to dry. done!

i then lightly oiled it with butcher block conditioner, but you could also stain it or paint it or leave it as is! up to you (you know i can’t resist light raw wood)

versus trying to deal with hanging it with hardware, we mounted it with these. it might not stay perfectly flat against the wall on its own so use enough to mount it snug and flat, and able to hold your stuff up!

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