now that the weather’s cooling down, i want to focus some energy back onto making the inside of our house pretty too. i’ve been swooning over pom pom blankets for a while now, so thought it would be super fun to make one, but instead of the traditional Moroccan ones you’ve seen that are basically a mud cloth type of fabric, i wanted to use a really soft quilt so it would not only look cute, but be really cozy too.
cotton quilt blanket
white yarn
large pom pom maker
needle and thread
sharp scissors
trim and fabric glue
- start by making your pom poms, this is the longest part of the process, but once you get used to the process it’s not so bad (and they have like every season of The Hills on Hulu just so you know). i watched this video to teach me how.
- after you do your pom poms, you need to give them major haircuts… this part is messy but i just sat over a large bowl while i did it. trim them until they’re nice and fuzzy.
- measure the width of your blanket, and decide how far apart you want to space your pom poms. that will help you determine how many pom poms you want to make as well — the blanket i used was 90″ wide, and i made 11 pom poms so i spaced them about 8.3″ apart.
- start at a corner and sew the pom pom directly onto your blanket. continue across the whole thing and you’re done! (it would also be cute to do the top edge as well)
- if you want to add a little extra oomph, sew or glue on a trim at the bottom.
so cute right?! i was not expecting to love it as much as i do.
you might be thinking “that cat is gonna destroy that thing”, but so far so good! apparently they just like to pose on it and look super freaking cute instead.