DIY eye slippers

DIY eye slippers

now that it’s december, i wanted to create some simple DIYs that would make perfect holiday gifts! man or woman, everyone wears slippers… i think. so making your loved one a custom pair of slippers is like, a perfect xmas present!

i am still loving eyes, even though i know they’re soooo trendy, so i created a design you can use, or you can do any design you want.


  • terry cloth slippers
  • iron-on transfer paper for light fabric
  • printable eye design
  • iron
  • scissors
  1. print the eye design i’ve provided above or whatever design you want to fit your slippers. i measured mine for about 3″ max per design. i put 3 sets on the sheet so you can make multiple pairs. if you’re doing your own design, just make sure you flip it before printing.
  2. cut out the design and keep the edges a little rounded, the terry cloth texture is a bit hard to peel the adhesive off of, so you want to keep enough of a border to not mess with the transfer when peeling.
  3. turn your iron on and let it heat up for five minutes prior to ironing. make sure it’s on the cotton setting without any water or steam. place the transfer down on the slipper and iron slowly for a good five minutes. let it cool for two minutes and see if you can peel off the backing paper yet, if not — do a few more minutes of ironing. if you have trouble peeling off the paper, use tweezers to grab a corner and gently peel off the rest from there.

so cute right?! hope this helped in case you’re scrambling for an easy inexpensive gift idea. and i’ll try to give you some more ideas stat.

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